Stay Alert. Celebrity Stalkers Sometimes Pretend to Be Us on the Phone.

Help Eddie Travel the World. Donate Here.

The Man Minute

Business Principles for Man Business by Master Marketing Technician Eddie Sparks

Where to Next?

Sparks is going to travel on multiple country trips. These series trips are chosen based on seasons and visa difficulty. Why don’t you go with him?

Man Minute Small Logo

Following Sparxx

Moving content from a foreign country to the internet to the USA takes forever. Staying consistent does too. Possibly a volunteer position for you?

How Can I Help?

Purchasing Eddie’s book Diary of a Bimbo on Amazon will help. Joining his Patreon always helps. Remember to Donate using a USA IP address.

Currently on Passport Number 3

cosmopolite ~ a sophisticated person who has traveled in many countries

Only On Hermosa Beach Marketing's Youtube Channel

The Man Minute

The Quest for Eternal Glory

The Man Minute was created to fill a need for real information about business. When super human and half Neanderthal Eddie Sparks got on probation for a DUI, he decided to travel around the world. Determined to be the 97th person to complete every country in the world meant he would be keeping a clear head and his pants on. After staying sober throughout most of central & south America for his own personal safety, Sparks’ massive ego decided he could keep himself occupied by accepting the quest of turning average men into business craftsman. The Man Minute is a testimony of how math and mathematics alone could be the only deterring factor of financially handling the cost of world travel. This page is here for those few who have benefited from and are addicted to the most sadistic thing that the most interesting man in the world has ever done. Bwahahaha. Traveling roughly cost $100 a day and somewhere on this page should be a running total of the financial requirements to finish the world as well as other fun facts.


  1. $ 25,683   96 Days Turkey to North Korea
  2. $ 9,700 84 Days UK to Slovakia
  3. $23,400 204 Days Chad to Cameroon
  4. $ 15,000 120 Days Mali to Tunisia
  5. $ 13,050  114 Days Afghanistan to Philippines
  6. $ 18,200  114 Days Kiribati to Tonga
  7. $   8,600   66 Days UAE to Lebanon
  8. $20,000   30 Days Antartica to Israel
  9.  ——————————————–
  10. $113,633 798 Days 192 Countries Completed
  11. with #8
  12. $133,633 828 Days 196 Countries Completed
  13. Total Time Spent
  14. North America – Life (2/2 Complete)
  15. Central America – 2 Years – (8/8 Complete)
  16. South America – 2 Years – (13/12 Complete)
  17. Caribbean – 1 Year – (15/13 Complete)
  18. Europe – Almost 2 Years -(31/45)
  19. Asia – 2 Weeks (2/48)
  20. Africa – 3 Weeks (2/53)
  21. Australia & Oceania – (0/14) Days
  22. Antarctica – 0 Days
  23. Total Monies Spent
  24. $366,000 – Almost 7 Years

As of 9/13/21 Currently Need 1336 People to Donate $100 dollars to Make it around the world – every dollar helps (donate here)! If you would like Sparks to wear your company shirt everyday while traveling, the sponsorship would equal to $100 a day. Your shirt will be featured everyday in video and photo opportunities. Everything helps. Pick your trip.

*For more affordable sponsorship opportunities check out our Facebook and social media page where Sparks will take photos of your company shirt in each country. Click Here.

†Under no way shape or form will the need to work while traveling stop Sparks from leaving. He will leave money raised or not. This page will update sporadically reflecting any and all monies raised online and spent by Sparks.

Turkey to North Korea

$25,683 in 96 Days

Left to Right Arrow across north Asia

Completion of the top of Asia. Route includes the hardest countries to enter in the world . (16 countries x 6 days x $100 = 9,600) + 16,083 visas & flights = $25,683

  1. Turkey – $860 flight to Istanbul Turkey | $ 30 visa
  2. Georgia – $165 flight to Tbilisi Georgia
  3. Armenia – $100 flight to Yerevan Armenia
  4. Azerbaijan – $333 flight to Baku Azerbaijan
  5. Iran – $100 flight to Tehran Iran | $900 visa
  6. Afghanistan – $259 flight to Kabul Afghanistan | $2000 visa
  7. Turkmenistan – $816 flight to Ashgabat Turkmenistan | $2200 visa
  8. Uzbekistan – $620 Tashkent Uzbekistan | $80 visa
  9. Tajikistan – $600 flight to Dushanbe Tajikistan | $140 visa
  10. Kyrgyzstan – $205 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
  11. Kazakhstan – $182 Almaty Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan
  12. Mongolia – $819 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
  13. China – $231 Beijing China | $550 visa
  14. North Korea – $378 Pyongyang North Korea | $2400 visa | $600 additional
  15. South Korea – $205 Seoul South Korea
  16. Japan – $110 Tokyo Japan | $300 hotels | $900 flight to tampa

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively does not like to be told what to do. This trip must begin in June and end before September.

UK to Slovakia

$9,700 in 84 Days

Rough estimate north west around to south west Europe in a curved arrow

Completion of Europe. Route may end in Malta to push into Tunisia and Africa. 14 countries x 6 days x $100 + $1300 expensive countries = $9,700

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Belgium
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Germany
  5. Denmark
  6. Poland
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Slovakia
  9. Hungary
  10. Austria – add $400
  11. Liechtenstein
  12. Switzerland – add $400
  13. Monaco – add $500
  14. Malta

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively hates returning home. This trip must take place between June 20th and September 23rd to ensure warm weather. Continuing to Tunis and Africa makes sense as far as distance.

Chad to Cameroon

$23,400 in 204 Days

Chad To Cameroon with Direction Arrow

Completion of Southern Africa. Route includes the most dangerous parts of Africa . 34 countries x 6 days x $100 + $3000 remote travel = $23,400

  1. Chad
  2. Cameroon
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Sudan
  5. Ethiopia
  6. Eritrea
  7. Djibouti
  8. Somalia
  9. Kenya
  10. Uganda
  11. Rwanda
  12. Burundi
  13. Tanzania
  14. Comoros
  15. Madagascar
  16. Seychelles
  17. Mauritius
  18. Malawi
  19. Zambia
  20. Zimbabwe
  21. Mozambique
  22. Swaziland
  23. Lesotho
  24. South Africa
  25. Botswana
  26. Namibia
  27. Angola
  28. DR Congo
  29. Republic of the Congo
  30. Gabon
  31. Sao Tome & Principe
  32. Equatorial Guinea

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively hates not finishing things. This trip must begin October to avoid winter. Lybia and South Sudan will be skipped until visa is possible.

Mali to Tunisia

$15,000 in 120 Days

Western Africa photo with rounded arrow

Completion of Western Africa. Route includes the desert parts of Africa . 20 countries x 6 days x $100 + $3000 remote travel = $15,000

  1. Mali
  2. Burkina Faso
  3. Niger
  4. Nigeria
  5. Benin
  6. Togo
  7. Ghana
  8. Côte d’Ivoire
  9. Liberia
  10. Sierra Leone
  11. Guinea
  12. Guinea-Bissau
  13. Gambia
  14. Senegal
  15. Cabo Verde
  16. Mauritania
  17. Western Sahara
  18. Morocco
  19. Algeria
  20. Tunisia

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively does not speak French although he can understand it. This trip must begin before Sparks enters the Middle East. Lybia and Sudan will be skipped until visa is possible.

Afghanistan to Philippines

$13,050 in 114 Days

Downward arrow across lower asia.

Completion of the bottom of Asia. Route starts in Afghanistan due to visa needed . 19 countries x 6 days x $100 + $400 visas + $1250 remote travel = $13,050

  1. Afghanistan – $400
  2. Pakistan
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Maldives
  5. India
  6. Nepal
  7. Bhutan
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Myanmar
  10. Thailand
  11. Laos
  12. Cambodia
  13. Viet Nam
  14. Malaysia
  15. Singapore
  16. Brunei
  17. Indonesia
  18. Timor-Leste
  19. Philippines

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively loves Vietnames food. This trip must begin in early Summer.

Kiribati to Tonga

$18,200 in 114 Days

Curved arrow around Oceania

Completion of Oceania. Route includes the smallest and most remote countries. 14 countries x 6 days x $100 + $6800 flights + 30 days x $100 for vanity = $18,200

  1. Kiribati
  2. Papua New Guinea
  3. Palau
  4. Micronesia
  5. Marshall Islands
  6. Nauru
  7. Solomon Islands
  8. Australia
  9. New Zealand
  10. Vanuatu
  11. Fiji
  12. Tuvalu
  13. Samoa
  14. Tonga

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively can surf. This trip must be completed between November and May due to typhoons.

UAE to Lebanon

$8,600 in 66 Days

Upward left to right arrow showing the middle east

Completion of the Middle East. Route excludes Israel . 11 countries x 6 days x $100 + $1200 visas + $800 higher expenses = $8,600

  1. United Arab Emirates
  2. Oman
  3. Saudi Arabia – $600
  4. Qatar
  5. Bahrain
  6. Kuwait
  7. Iran – Kish Island
  8. Iraq
  9. Jordan
  10. State of Palestine
  11. Syria – $600
  12. Lebanon

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively can pronounce Arabic. This trip must begin in February.

Antartica to Israel

$20,000 in 30 Days

Upward arrow from Antartica to Israel

Completion of the Leftovers. Route puts Israel at the end. $20000 safety expenses

  1. Antartica
  2. North Pole
  3. Lybia
  4. South Sudan
  5. Yemen
  6. Israel

Eddie Sparks absolutely positively loves doing things he’s not suppose to. Banned from Canada and the North Pole until 2028. This trip may include skydiving illegally.

Ed Sparxx Personal Logo

World Domination: A Quest for Eternal Glory

Airports Excluded* Manchester, UK Beirut, Lebanon Istanbul, Turkey

02 France 06/99
03 Canada 2005
04 The Netherlands 2006
05 Costa Rica 2009, 2021
06 Mexico 2010,15,16,17,18,19,20
07 Bahamas 2016,17,18
08 Spain 10/16, 2021
09 Cuba 1/17
10 Dominican Republic 2/17 2023
11 Panama 4/17 2022
12 El Salvador 11/17
13 Guatemala 11/17
14 Nicaragua 11/17
15 Honduras 12/17
16 Belize 12/17
17 Guyana 2/18
18 Suriname 2/18
* French Guiana 2/18

19 Brazil 3/18
20 Uruguay 3/18
21 Argentina 3/18
22 Chile 3/18
23 Paraguay 4/18
24 Bolivia 4/18
25 Peru 4/18
26 Ecuador 4/18 2020.21.22.23
27 Colombia 5/18
28 Iceland 7/18
29 Norway 7/18
30 Sweden 7/18
31 Finland 8/18
32 Estonia 8/18
33 Russia 8/18
34 Latvia 8/18
35 Lithuania 8/18
36 Belarus 9/18

37 Ukraine 9/18
38 Moldova 9/18
39 Romania 9/18
40 Bulgaria 9/18
41 Italy 10/18
42 Vatican City 10/18
43 San Marino 10/18
44 Slovenia 10/18
45 Serbia 10/18
46 Bosnia/Herzegovina 10/18
47 Croatia 10/18
48 Montenegro 11/18
49 Albania 11/18
50 Kosovo 11/18
51 Macedonia 11/18
52 Greece 11/18
53 Cyprus 12/18
*  Northern Cyprus/Turkey 12/18

54 Egypt 12/18
01 United States 12/18
55 Trinidad & Tabago 1/19
56 Venezuela 2/19
57 Grenada 2/19
58 Barbados 3/19
59 St Vincent & the Grenadines 3/19
60 St Lucia 3/19
61 Dominica 3/19
62 Antigua & Barbuda 3/19
63 St Kitts & Nevis 4/19
* Puerto Rico 4/19
64 Haiti 2/21
65 Jamaica 4/21
66 Ireland 7/21
67 Portugal 8/21
* Canary Islands 8/21
68 Andorra 9/21
* US Virgin Islands 9/21

Sparks Has Programmed 10k Webpages

A SEO Programmer’s Hero with Zero Love from Google on

Click to Email Inquire about Business Sponsorship.

Stay Alert. Celebrity Stalkers Sometimes Pretend to Be Us on the Phone and Email.

Current Products We Sell
  1. The Presidential Power Package – Monthly Internet Marketing for Business Growth.
  2. Ring Ring It’s Hermosa – Google Ads – Search Network, Maps.
  3. Radvertising – Google Ads – Display Network, YouTube.
  4. It’s the Goolah Baby – Google Ads – Merchant Center.
  5. MMM Mo’ Money, Mo’ Mojo – Google Ads – Apps.
  6. Social Media Cuties – Use Radvertisements to Grow Your Business’ Social Accounts.
  7. $175 Hourly Marketing – Design, Programming, Writing, Media Services, Marketing, Advertising Services.
California SEO & Internet Marketing: The Presidential Power Package

Los Angeles County

Orange County

Riverside County

San Bernardino County

San Diego County

Santa Barbara County

Ventura County

Alameda County

Alpine County

Amador County

Butte County

Calaveras County

Colusa County

Contra Costa County

Del Norte County

El Dorado County

Fresno County

Glenn County

Humboldt County

Imperial County

Inyo County

Kern County

Kings County

Lake County

Lassen County

Madera County

Marin County

Mariposa County

Mendocino County

Merced County

Modoc County

Mono County

Monterey County

Napa County

Nevada County

Placer County

Plumas County

Sacramento County

San Benito County

San Francisco County

San Joaquin County

San Luis Obispo County

San Mateo County

Santa Clara County

Santa Cruz County

Shasta County

Sierra County

Siskiyou County

Solano County

Sonoma County

Stanislaus County

Sutter County

Tehama County

Trinity County

Tulare County

Tuolumne County

Yolo County

Yuba County

Rhode Island SEO & Internet Marketing: The Presidential Power Package
International SEO & Internet Marketing: The Presidential Power Package
Watch Eddie Give the Presidential Power Package Presentation

Welcome to Our Presidential Power Package

Sanat Cruz, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Panama City, Panamá
Playa Lagun, Curacoa
Boca Chica, Dominican Republic
Valencia, Spain
Charlotte Amelie, St. Thomas
Sintra, Portugal
Andorra la Vella, Andorra
Waterford, Ireland
Jaco Beach, Costa Rica
Negril, Jamaica
Hillwood Estate, Washington DC
Petit Goâve, Haiti
El Puertito, Canary Islands
Ensenada, Mexico
Miramar, Puerto Rico
Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
Port of Spain, Trinidad
Frigate Bay, St Kitts & Nevis
Rodney Bay, St Lucia
St George’s, Grenada
Portsmouth, Dominica
Prishtina, Kosovo
Thessaloniki, Greece
Richmond, St Vincent Grenadines
Cairo, Egypt
Porlamar, Venezuela
Crane Beach, Barbados
Belgrade, Serbia
San Marino, San Marino
Vatican, Vatican City
Transylvania, Romania
Jolly Harbour, Antigua and Barbuda
Reykjavik, Iceland
Trakai, Lithuania
St Petersburg, Russia
Helsinki, Finland
Bergen, Norway
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Punta Del Este, Uruguay
Kaieteur Falls, Guyana
Antigua, Guatemala
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Havana, Cuba
Denia, Spain
Calp, Spain
Naples, Florida
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Pompano Beach, Florida
Rosarito, Mexico
Tijuana Playas, Mexico
Lake Big Bear, CA
Hermosa Beach, CA
Puerto Ayora, Galapagos
Puerto Villamil, Galapagos
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Galapagos
Paid Search & Internet Advertising
Video Production Staffing, Cameras, DIT, Audio Techs, Artist Merch, & Celebrity Internet Assistants
Video Editing, Sound Editing & Color Correction
Eddie Sparks' Tutorials & Blog