Make money from home by selling the Presidential Power Package. The ability to work remote or make money from home is usually only for self starters. If you are a self starter and would like to make some money from your phone, we are always looking for a person willing to try.
“SEO” and “internet marketing” sales by phone is possible with tenacity. “Fairmead” is far away from a metropolis and if you sell over the phone, you can take advantage of our high monthly gross residuals. Your sales portfolio grows and your monthly rake does also. You can make money in the marketing industry by selling your own appointments. The office is always here to help 24hrs a day.
We recommend setting appointments yourself for the Presidential Power Package. If you have the opportunity to stay on the phone, then stay on the phone. With an appointment, you can have a sales person with you on the phone to ensure that all questions are answered.
With an appointment, you can roll down the road with the presentation. Very, very generous people run our business. Sales is key to a happy life. Any age can apply. Call to start selling the Presidential Power Package today.
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